

Case Study

Department of Education and Training Victoria

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Project Overview

Department of Education and Training Victoria

Key Services
Impact strategy

We were engaged by the Department to provide support to Learn Local Organisations (LLOs) in the Grampians region. LLOs deliver pre-accredited courses for adult learners who may have previously experienced barriers to education and support them onto a pathway into employment, further education or training. The aim of the Grampians Pathways and Partnerships Project was to demonstrate the value provided by LLOs to their stakeholders and strengthen relationships between LLOs and other stakeholders in the learning and employment ecosystem to build understanding and complementarity.

We engaged closely with the LLO sector and focused on building capacity to build partnerships. This was achieved by delivering workshop content outlining partnering principles and methods to support the creation of partnerships within the learning and employment ecosystem and enable co-design activities to evolve and become embedded into course design practice. We also developed toolkits to support LLOs to develop an “impact-led co-design” approach to developing referral pathways for community learners and tools to measure their progress.

Our collaborators in impact