Written by Ross Wyatt | 4th June 2020
A morning 'fireside' chat with Think Impact founder Ross Wyatt on the roles and opportunities for each sector in shaping our reimagined future post Covid-19
Think Impact has worked with hundreds of community organisations, corporate clients, government and philanthropy. One thing they all have in common is working to create social value; they’re all trying to make some part of our communities and our world a better place.
As we begin to emerge from this time of social isolation Ross Wyatt reflects on the role and opportunities for each sector in shaping our reimagined our future.
We are all consumers in an economy, but we are also citizens in a society.
The For-Purpose sector exist for a very important purpose and represents a $150B industry in Australia. There are new opportunities for this sector to focus on collaborating not competing for funding; to focus on designing for impact over measuring success by how much is raised in funding or the number of activities delivered.
There's an opportunity to look out over the horizon and design the kind of world we want to live in, not just one we're victim to.
There is a growing trend in philanthropy to create a great line of sight not just on giving, but on how much goes in and what impact comes out. There is already a shift amongst funders towards the idea of creating an impact legacy; measuring success by how they've reshaped society.
During Covid-19 we've learnt and seen just how quickly government can respond when called on to do so and the value and benefit to our economy in creating resilient communities.
What about the role of those who work in social impact? How will that change? Impact measurement needs to remain a critical part of what we do, so we can measure social change, but are there new roles for businesses like Think Impact to help organisations re-mission - how do organisations with one mission, remission to respond to the needs in a post Covid world?
Watch the interview (above) to explore all these ideas for how together we can reimagine a better future.