Archive - June 2020

We believe the only way to make the world a better place is through a genuine commitment to collaboration and continuous improvement.

Our team is committed to bring you the latest insights from the field, to share our lessons and tools and to show case inspirational stories of social impact in action.

Happy reading and if you come across a particular story that inspires, please share it widely.

Get started with impact measurement
17 June 2020

Get started with impact measurement

People all around the world have been using their time in coronavirus lockdown for personal and professional development and, in a small way, I’ve been at ... read more

Together we give, together we help, together we heal, together we stand
5 June 2020

Together we give, together we help, together we heal, together we stand

The month of May saw many campaigns that drew our attention to the emerging needs, strengths and challenges faced by the community sector and the complex s... read more

Who does what in shaping our reimagined future?
4 June 2020

Who does what in shaping our reimagined future?

A morning 'fireside' chat with Think Impact founder Ross Wyatt on the roles and opportunities for each sector in shaping our reimagined future post Covid-1... read more